53 pages 1 hour read

Karina Yan Glaser

The Vanderbeekers of 141st Street

Fiction | Novel | Middle Grade | Published in 2017

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Part 2, Chapters 5-11Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Part 2: “Saturday, December 21”

Part 2, Chapter 5 Summary

Hyacinth awakens with a feeling of dread since it is the first day of Operation Beiderman. Since she rarely gets time alone with her parents, Hyacinth carefully pads downstairs to spend time with Papa before the rest of the house stirs: “that left Hyacinth […] fending for herself in a household of loud, strong-willed, attention-grabbing siblings” (65). She asks her father why the Beiderman hates them, and he explains that he is not a hateful man, just miserable and lonely. Hyacinth wonders how she can be braver, and her father tells her she is the bravest person he knows because she is generous and loving. Watching Paganini play with their cat George Washington, Papa quotes Anatole France in describing the special kind of love pets can give people. The rest of the children awaken, and they prepare to enact their plan.

Oliver excitedly explains the rest of his plan, which involves breaking into the Beiderman’s apartment and poking him with needles while Laney smothers him with hugs and kisses. Hyacinth works on crafting Christmas placemats, while Jessie and Laney leave to purchase cheese croissants for the Beiderman. On the way to the bakery, they see Mr. Smiley, the superintendent of a neighboring building, and his daughter Angie, Oliver’s basketball friend.

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By Karina Yan Glaser