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John GrishamA modern alternative to SparkNotes and CliffsNotes, SuperSummary offers high-quality Study Guides with detailed chapter summaries and analysis of major themes, characters, and more.
“The topic of his sermon the day before had been forgiveness—God’s infinite and overwhelming power to forgive our sins, regardless of how heinous they might be…Travis was convinced he could never be forgiven. But he was curious.”
Before he meets murderer Travis Boyette, Reverend Schroeder thinks about the concepts of forgiveness and mercy only as abstract topics for his sermons. However, the pastor’s words move Boyette to try to repent, despite the magnitude of his offense.
“He tried to appear upbeat, hopeful, confident that a miracle was on the way. The miracle was slowly coming together, some four hundred miles due north, in Topeka, Kansas.”
The indefatigable defense attorney Robbie Flak, here filing appeals he knows will go nowhere, struggles to maintain the confidence and optimism he knows his overworked and underpaid staff (as well as Donté himself) needs. The miraculous confession of the real killer is incredible luck—though the novel will show that even this unlikely chance is not enough to save Donté.
“What’s more important here, Joey? Your reputation or Donté’s life?”
The novel makes the case that those who have worked to put an innocent man on death row did so for petty and self-serving reasons: political opportunity, fear of scandal, or hunger for the media spotlight. Here, Joey Gamble has to answer a private investigator’s question about his priorities, but even being put on the spot like this is not enough to get Joey to recant and thus expose himself to shame for the sake of another’s life.
By John Grisham
A Painted House
John Grisham
A Time For Mercy
John Grisham
A Time to Kill
John Grisham
John Grisham
Calico Joe
John Grisham
Camino Ghosts
John Grisham
Camino Island
John Grisham
Framed: Astonishing True Stories of Wrongful Convictions
John Grisham, Jim McCloskey
Gray Mountain
John Grisham
Playing For Pizza
John Grisham
Skipping Christmas
John Grisham
John Grisham
Sparring Partners
John Grisham
Sycamore Row
John Grisham
The Appeal
John Grisham
The Boys from Biloxi
John Grisham
The Brethren
John Grisham
The Chamber
John Grisham
The Client
John Grisham
The Firm
John Grisham
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