SuperSummary was a game-changer for me while reading ‘Trust’ by Hernan Diaz. Their character listings and analysis helped me make sense of the confusion.
SuperSummary allows me to support my son in a better way. English is my second language, so I feel more confident when we can check our understanding with the chapter summaries.
I have to simplify things so that I’m able to convey them to the students and try to keep their interest. The summaries you provide are succinct and give me an additional advantage to teach the kids.
Themes weren’t something I was taught a lot about in high school. So teaching it when I still struggle with pinpointing what is the main theme or the overarching theme of a book is difficult. I always try to figure that out with SuperSummary before I teach a novel.
My favorite thing about SuperSummary is that you provide the analysis of the chapters, not just the summary. I love that because that is difficult for me to do myself. I also like the variety of books, I have found a lot of them, and I can also request the ones you don’t yet have.
Well, one book that I read that I liked a lot was Jonathan Livingston Seagull. I don’t know how many times I’ve read that book and thought about it, but I read the SuperSummary and there were some new ideas about interpreting that book that I had not thought of. So that’s always interesting to me.
I love being able to find books that I’m reading on SuperSummary. I can always count on it to be succinct in the summarization of the chapter and not include a lot of irrelevant things. There are quite a few titles on there too. I really enjoy the website as a whole, I find that it enriches my book experiences!
As I am reading a lot of history around America’s founding, SuperSummary is of great help to remember details of books I have read and loved but forget specific plot and character details. Connecting all the interactions of the Founding Fathers and the timelines of events is a challenge; with SuperSummary, I can quickly compare writings.
SuperSummary gives me a fuller picture of the writer’s intent. I particularly appreciate the explanation of dreams and ethereal content. SuperSummary is an excellent way to review a book previously read. I appreciate the quotes section in particular and remember a time at book club when I was able to share a quote that perfectly illustrated what was being discussed.
I recently picked up Behave by Robert Sapolsky, which is a dense 750-page science book, and when I saw on SuperSummary that there was a 92-page study guide, I was excited and grateful to have such a wonderful resource to refer to and to help me really learn the material. I loved being able to review the study guide after each section to ensure I was getting the most out of the book.
I feel like the summaries that SuperSummary gave were much better. What I would do is read the summary for the chapter and then I would go back and read the entire passage and I was able to see how accurate each one was. It gave a detailed explanation, it didn’t miss out any points that the book talked about, which I really like. That is one thing that distinguishes SuperSummary from what’s out there.
This website has given me so much hope that I’m gonna get my books early. I’m gonna start looking at the analysis of the chapters after I read it to see if how I analyze it matches with what the website says. What am I lacking? What am I over-focusing on? I have ease of mind now when I pick up a book. If I don’t understand the chapter, I know that I have a trustworthy website and like SuperSummary that I can rely on.
SuperSummary has enabled me to recognize themes and attributes of the main characters in a book. There are times when this information is brand new because I didn’t recognize it as I was reading the book. A positive experience is that I am able to look up by title a book, which I have already read, and very quickly familiarize myself with the content of that book without having to get it from the library, or read it again from my own bookshelf.
I find that with learning disabilities, having a little prompt makes the connection happen. So when we’re talking to kids about character development or the underlying theme or main idea, those words in themselves can be overwhelming. By being able to go into a site like SuperSummary and be able to say: Okay, so this is what they have said, this is what’s written. Now, let’s make a connection to what you read, and see if you agree or not. SuperSummary [is] like a gift for learning disabilities.
SuperSummary has helped me to discuss and recommend more books to library patrons.
I found the SuperSummary layout to be easy to navigate compared to the other sites I reviewed.
SuperSummary has really helped me with my English and it helped me understand A Doll’s House better.
SuperSummary helps me retain what I’ve read. I enjoy my reading more because of the insightful questions.
I have more meaningful conversations at my book club because I can add more to the conversation by using Supersummary.
I am using SuperSummary for a novel called The Books of Jacob. It’s a very complex novel and the summary helps sort things out.
Subscribing to SuperSummary was the only way to save my grade. SuperSummary helped me get a high grade on my test and complete my summer assignment.
When I am not able to get all the important quotes or themes I consult SuperSummary. I had to give a book talk and SuperSummary was a great jumping-off point.
I have aced all my essays and writing assignments since using SuperSummary. The guide themes, chapter outlines and character summaries are more detailed than other sites.
I needed a quick clarification of my own understanding of a novel before discussing with my students. SuperSummary guides are easy to maneuver—everything is labeled and well-organized.
SuperSummary helps solidify and clarify my understanding of the book. My grades went up because I could answer essay and comprehension questions and write papers more thoroughly.
I appreciate the summaries to refresh my memory of fine points of a plot before my book group meets for its discussion. I get so much more from the discussions by reviewing content before the group meets.
My biggest concern was that I would pay money for something that would give me the same result as a free website. I found that my concern was not valid and that SuperSummary helps me a lot more than free websites.
The book I was reading was not on SparkNotes and I could only find it here. The resources offered were better than what is available for free. I find the key themes, character analysis, and important quotes most valuable.
SuperSummary has provided clear character analysis, chapter summaries, and themes to prepare me for our monthly book group. After reading the summary of Demon Copperhead I felt totally prepared to lead our book group discussion!
SuperSummary helps clarify when I’m not sure I understand the plot or I’ve missed some kind of key detail. Many times I listen to audiobooks and miss details of the story so I read the summaries every few chapters so I know I’ve gotten everything.
I joined a book club with seasoned readers. This summary has helped me feel confident when we meet and discuss the books. Next month is my turn to choose and discuss a book. I’ve chosen The Diamond Eye, I love it and with your help, we will have a lively conversation.
Using SuperSummary, I have done much better with complicated readings such as Plato. I have to complete discussion posts about them and it makes what I am reading a lot easier to comprehend. I have gotten good feedback from my professor about pulling out important information.
I find SuperSummary very helpful and useful. Before I get into a major book reading, it is nice to be able to learn about the characters and to see very interesting quotations from a book. For example, War and Peace is a massive book. The SuperSummary helps to make such a book digestible.
When I look for resources, they’re not always companies. They’re sometimes people just putting stuff out there. There are a lot of errors, a lot of mistakes, and a lot of problems. And I think that SuperSummary was well researched and put together in a way where I didn’t have to worry about that stuff.
I have a 7th grader taking part in virtual learning. SuperSummary allows me to monitor his reading comprehension without committing to reading the whole book myself. When it came time for him to write a five paragraph essay on a theme shared by the main characters, he was able to effortlessly align their shared theme with supporting evidence.
One of the people in the reading group told me that there was SuperSummary and I was very happy to have it for one of the books, which I didn’t particularly like that much because it was confusing to me. Then I read the SuperSummary and I was able to confirm that what I thought was going on, was going on. That’s sort of a good way for me to use the SuperSummary.
SuperSummary is a fantastic resource I use to develop activities, questions, exit tickets, and assessments for my middle school students. Often my students are reading 5 or 6 different novels simultaneously. Having access to materials on all the club novels at my fingertips is an invaluable resource! Thank you for a wonderful product that allows teachers a wealth of knowledge, but encourages positive creativity.
SuperSummary allows me to do novel studies with my students even if I have not previously read the novel because I can get an excellent breakdown of the book from their guides. My students really struggle to find themes in the literature they read, SuperSummary allows me to break the themes down so that they can digest the concepts in smaller chunks. I have memberships to both LitCharts and Course Hero, and the SuperSummary guides are by far the best overall. The language is perfect for junior high and high school students (LitCharts is too intense unless you take AP, and Course Hero has limited guides to print).
I run a large book club and the SuperSummary helps me devise questions for a robust discussion. It’s also useful for clarifying the author’s writing style and intentions.
SuperSummary has helped me by giving me greater clarity of the books I’m reading. I used SuperSummary to successfully lead a book club about social justice for my Executive Team.
I find SuperSummary is the best [site] I’ve found so far that actually allows you to immerse yourself into your reading, which you’ve already done, and then makes you think deeper about what you’ve read.
There’s so much about SuperSummary that I love, like the essay prompts, I like that they are reliable and well-written. I have three teenage boys and they all have dyslexia. I forward the SuperSummaries to them to make sure that they are following through with their reading.
I get more out of my reading because it guides my thinking deeper than usual. When I read The Lincoln Highway, SuperSummary led me to think about other books with a coming-of-age protagonist. That encouraged considering similarities and differences between books and authors’ writing styles.
SuperSummary has definitely helped explain more complex readings and thus enjoy the book or play better. I have been reading a few of Shakespeare’s plays in preparation to see them and as I’ve read them, I like to refer to SuperSummaries to help me better understand the characters and plot better.
SuperSummary is very helpful for leading a book group, it’s got everything a book group discussion leader would need really to prepare. [Also], if I’ve read a book that’s gonna be discussed, but I read it a long time ago, I can go to SuperSummary and refresh my memory on the plot and the important things in the book.
I like reading but I don’t have like as much time. And plus it’s always been kind of difficult for me to read entire books just because I’m ADHD. Having a summary is just like having kind of a guiding star. To kind of know what is going on beforehand is helpful, instead of being super confused when I miss a paragraph or something like that.
It helps me stay fully into the details of what I read, especially when I am returning to a book after several hours of absence. Most recently I had SuperSummary beside me as I read Great Circle. I would read a couple of chapters, then read the summary to polish my grasp. I love this routine. Occasionally I find something in SuperSummary that I missed when reading the novel.
I went to this site and I saw one paragraph and I was like, Oh, this is gold, I need more! It really helped my own essay a lot and I could just easily grab certain elements and then read more and more into each chapter and formulate more of an opinionated version of the story. Your website is a really good guide to making better summarizations, like analyzing papers. It’s a really big guide.
I read on average a little over a hundred books a year and I use SuperSummary for every book I read. Sometimes I don’t remember all the plot points and so if I’m recommending the book to someone, I want to go back through it and remember it. Or if I am listening to a book while I’m working and I feel like I miss something, I can go and read the summary and say, oh right, I missed that little piece right there.
SuperSummary has had a significant impact on my reading experience. It has allowed me to delve into a wide range of literary works without feeling overwhelmed. I had a fantastic experience using SuperSummary for my English assignment on the explanation of Sonnet 18. The summary and analysis provided were incredibly thorough and insightful. It’s definitely a resource I will continue to use for future literary analyses.
There’s so much more to be extended to the students than just, Hey, isn’t this a great book? It was great, right? That’s wonderful, but let’s talk about the language usage, and about all the vocabulary that’s in there, and about what is an allegory and all of these different wonderful things. That’s why I like having those teaching suggestions in SuperSummary to remind me of what a really great teacher does when you’re talking about literature.
What stands out most about SuperSummary’s guides is how organized everything is.
I like using SuperSummary to remind me of a book just before I go to my book club discussion.
SuperSummary stood out from other sites because it had more variety and featured the books I needed.
The site is reasonably priced and provides additional support and materials for use during instruction.
SuperSummary has made comprehension of the books I read easier. It helped when discussing books with my book club.
SuperSummary guides are very complete and include many different resources such as chapter summaries and character summaries.
SuperSummary has more in-depth analyses of books as well as a larger number of important quotes and theme analyses than other sites.
SuperSummary has helped me understand challenging plot developments. I read the summary of A Visit from the Goon Squad to better understand The Candy House.
SuperSummary guides are very thorough, accurate, and easy to understand and navigate. The information is chapter specific and so it’s easy to target certain things.
I started a book club and wanted some reference material. SuperSummary helped me lead a productive discussion, get ideas for questions and gain a deeper understanding of the material.
SuperSummary saved me from the confusion of a book with countless characters. Thanks to their concise summaries and organized information, I finally kept the characters straight.
SuperSummary has a much better breakdown of chapters, themes, characters, and analysis. Some of the other sites didn’t offer this, especially within the unique set of books I have to read.
I use SuperSummary to supplement my own lesson planning designs. I particularly like the discussion questions/essay questions offered, as well as the summary of events and then interpretation/meaning of a section.
I was taking a very fast paced class. I had to read 5 novels within 5 weeks so the chapter summaries really helped. I ended up getting an A-B on every paper I wrote! I recommend SuperSummary to all my college friends.
SuperSummary is a tremendous resource! I’ve used it many times in preparation for Book Club discussions. The sections on themes and symbols greatly enhanced my reading. I love getting into an in-depth study of books!
The subscription is inexpensive and the guides provide a wealth of information. My students are having more meaningful and rich conversations about the text—they are discovering more about the characters, plot and even the author’s craft.
SuperSummary has added depth and increased understanding, especially for book club discussions that I facilitate. The summary for One Hundred Years of Solitude was so very helpful for understanding the story/themes after having a bit of trouble with the book.
SuperSummary has helped my son better understand a book he has to read for school. It is teaching him how to recognize themes and pull them from the content. It helped my son do his summer reading easier and faster and have a better understanding of what he was reading.
I was looking at books that I’d already read and then I would look at the overview to see if that kind of matched what I remembered, and to see if it gave me some new ideas to take it farther for things that I hadn’t thought of yet. SuperSumary seemed really thorough, really good information.
Explaining books in an in-depth manner. I particularly like the character analysis and theme that is available. I also like having important quotes and especially use this in my book club. I used Super Summary when reading Demon Copperhead. It helped add depth and explanation to the story.
SuperSummary helps with thought-provoking questions for my book club. Also by giving insight into books I might want to pick for our club. When it was my time to host book club, it was helpful to describe the characters, ask meaningful questions, talk about the author, and give a different perspective.
It helps me with my book club. I’ve been able to do quick catch-ups, it’s been a great time saver! I was reading a book in a book club that, in my opinion, was awful. I could not get through the book so I turned to SuperSummary and was able to discuss the book at the club session like I had read the whole thing! It was brilliant! Thanks, SuperSummary.
If I start reading a book and it is quite confusing, that’s the time when I usually go over to SuperSummary. I might read the first chapter or so and start thinking, where’s this going? Who are these people? I might be confused about this character and that character and how they relate, so SuperSummary assists me in getting into the book without being too frustrated or too confused.
SuperSummary guides with summaries have saved me time when planning my lessons because I don’t have to re-read the whole book. I especially appreciate the analysis & literary device sections, which enrich our studies with a deeper understanding of the stories. The quotes are a favorite as my kids stretch their thinking and apply the text to their own experiences. When we use the teacher guides to discuss books, the kids remain more engaged as opposed to just writing down answers to comp questions.